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Blue Saphire
Blue Saphire
Alternativa addict
Zadnja Aktivnost: 28-03-18, 17:49
Joined: 15-09-14
Location: Vechta (Niedersachsen/DE)
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"Sećanje" na prošle živote (Topic in the Reinkarnacija i Karma forum)
26-10-17, 13:58
Akasha zapis ili Code (Topic in the Reinkarnacija i Karma forum)
16-01-15, 10:32
Akupresura (Topic in the Kineska Medicina forum)
15-05-15, 19:53
Asocijacije (Topic in the Brbljaonica forum)
15-01-21, 18:57
Autorske fotografije (Topic in the Brbljaonica forum)
04-10-24, 18:18
21-05-16, 22:40
Bol u donjem dijelu leđa (Topic in the Ostale bolesti forum)
06-07-22, 11:48
Božić (Topic in the Brbljaonica forum)
30-12-15, 08:49
Chat - Alternativa forum (Topic in the Brbljaonica forum)
23-09-22, 19:30
Chemtrails: Globalni zločin (Topic in the New World Order forum)
28-08-23, 05:52
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